Tuesday, April 22, 2014

How much is that doggie earning?

I like learning what people earn

     No, I am not that creepy guy who tries to sneak a look at your paycheck.  I am just curious about what other occupations make.
     Which is why I am always interested in the Parade magazine section with the What People Earn edition.  I was not disappointed.
     One guy makes $12,000 a year as a stadium beer vendor.  He does say it is a part time job.  I have watched beer vendors hauling those filled trays up and down stairs and I say that is a well earned $12,000!
    Beyonce makes an estimated $57 million.......while Heather Proctor is a short order cook bringing in $19,000 a year.
     The list is full of those examples.....Sandra Bullock makes $61 million, Bob Jensen makes $29,000 as a glazier.  (Those are the people who fix broken windows.....in case you were not sure.)
     But Jeanie Forrester of Meredith NH stood out.  She is a state senator.  Duly elected by the people of her state to represent their interests.
     As a point of reference, Illinois lawmakers earn a base salary of $67,836....plus a per diem of $111.  This is among the highest in the country.  A couple of people,  I won't mention names because you can guess who they are, earn over $90,000.
     Jeanie Forrester does the same job our guys do....passes laws, makes sure the state is in good financial shape, provides leadership, makes sure roads, schools, parks are up and running. Uh, wait a minute.  They don't do all that in Illinois.  But I digress.
     Her salary:  $100.   Period.  No thousands.  No millions.  Just $100.  That is what the state constitution sets the salaries at because the people in New Hampshire view this job as a public service.
      What an idea!  Public service!!  Doing it  because it is good for the state, which makes it good for all of us.
     I know what I am getting from a beer vendor, and from Sandra Bullock, and from Beyonce....but I can't figure out what our people in Springfield are doing for me!



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