Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Oh, the places I could go

I get bothered by money, lots of money

     First off, I am not a Communist.  I don't want to seize the assets of rich people.
     I just wish they were not so rich.
     I don't know why it bothers me.  We all take a course in life,  we choose.  I could have been a little bigger, and stronger, and learned to throw a curve ball and made millions.  But I didn't.  I could have learned about investments and bonds and trading and earned millions.  But I didn't.  I could have put my great looks to good use and been a star of stage and screen.  But I didn't.
     (Point of honesty.....never would any of those scenarios really happen, no matter how much effort I put into it.)
       And none of my family did either.  Or my friends.  Or people I know, with maybe one or two exceptions.
      Yahoo had a story on a new Porsche hybrid, the  918 Spyder that sells for......$848,000.  A car.  Yes, it is a hybrid.....but I drive a hybrid that does not cost anywhere near that.
     And most of us heard about the Connecticut mansion that just sold for $120 million.  It was decreased from $190 million.
     Never in my life could I even imagine living in a 13,000 square foot house.  Hell, I can't even find stuff in our house, which is 6 times smaller.
     In looking up an artist's work, I read about some Van Gogh paintings that sold for 70, 80 and 100 million to private collectors.  For a guy who sold one painting in his life, knowing that would probably make him turn over in his grave and start painting again.  And how much money do you have to have to buy a 100 million dollar painting?
     Ball players get bigger and bigger contracts and the average fan discovers it costs too much to take the family to a game.
     A kid in Texas gets involved in a multi death accident, and the judge buys the argument that he was raised rich and didn't understand that driving drunk could kill innocent people, so he gets a slap on the wrist.
     Warren Buffet has a son who lives near Decatur.  Warren gave him $1 billion, BILLION, to do  good in the world.  He has set up programs in this country and in Africa to improve living conditions. Spent tens of millions of dollars.  Since being given the money, it has grown to over 2 BILLION.
     I don't even know how many zeros a billion has.  More than 6.
     I am not complaining about being poor...because we are  not.  We live a comfortable life.  We take a yearly trip.  We drive newer cars.  We have a good life.
     We are not rich people.
     And I can not comprehend the world a rich person lives in, their lifestyle, their spending habits.
     Sometimes I wonder, how much is too much?
      Like I said, I don't want to seize the assets of rich people.  I don't want government to take away their property or their businesses.
      I just wish they were not so rich as to be able to buy $848,000 cars and $100 million paintings and homes.  That's all I ask.

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