Thursday, April 17, 2014

boy, I feel dizzy, oh so dizzy

I sometimes get confused by words that look alike

     First off, I am not violating any HIPA law here....I am talking about myself.
     I take a lot of medications.  I take pills for cholesterol, blood pressure, heart maintenance drugs, vitamins, eye meds......pills for every occasion.
     A few years ago I had part of my left ear lobe removed.
     I had retired.  Volunteered for a field trip and had a pimple on the ear flap that keeps the air from rushing right into your ear, and a couple of kids noticed.  OK, it was pretty red and pretty ugly.   Family doctor said, "Oooooh.....looks like a basil cell melanoma...that has to come off."
     So I went to a plastic surgeon because, well, it was my ear.  His assistant came in, looked at it and said, "Oooooooh, looks like  skin cancer.  Doctor will want to take that off."
     Doctor comes in, looks at it, says, "Oooooooh, that  needs to come off."
     We schedule a day.  Outpatient.  In by 7, out by 9.  Well, I also have a little mole above my right ear, and a quarter size cyst on my he agrees to do them all at once.
     Surgery time comes and the doctor comes in and announces, "We are going to give you locals,"and after about 25 questions, he changes his mind and they put me out.
      All comes out is not a cancerous growth, just an ugly looking pimple.
      I get a prescription for Norco, a pretty powerful pain reliever.
      At about 12 the pain kicks in, so I hobble down the stairs and find the script and pop one.
      At 1 I am still in pain, and it is getting worse, so hobble downstairs and pop a second.
      At 3 I had no relief.  I was hurting. (Yes, I am a wimp.) So I took a third.
     Then I read the label.  Norvasc is a blood pressure medication.  I have now taken four of them, counting my regular one pill in the morning dose.  But hey, they both start with NOR......
     I call Emily, who works in a pharmacy, and pose this question:  If I take an overdose of Norvasc, what problems will I encounter.
     There is a pause, then she said, "Don't tell me you took Norvasc because it started with Nor, just like the Norco?"
     Which I had, so I fessed up.
     I like it when a family member enjoys a good joke, especially a relative  that has constantly told me to read the labels.  
     The only side affect seemed to be....I was really dizzy for a couple of days.
     But I was able to take the Norco and the pain went away.  I also learned to take only one, despite the prescription saying I could take two, because the only time I took two I saw the strangest colors and creatures roaming around the'd have thought I was on drugs!


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