Friday, April 18, 2014

it says blah, blah, blah, blah

     No, that is not what the fox says!

I have trouble understanding insurance documents

     I am a college graduate.  I am not a stupid person.  (Well, sometimes I am......but if you have read much of these blogs, you realize that!)
    But I don't understand things!
     For example, we have insurance on our house.  (Which I think is odd...people will insure their property, and their cars, but not themselves....oh, well.)
   I received a notice of "important endorsement changes for your policy."  Their words.
    Among the changes:  Fungi or bacteria must occur on the insured premises and be caused by or result from a cause of loss other than fungi or bacteria covered by this policy.
     Anyone explain what that means?  Is there a fungi hanging around that I have not met?  What is his name?  Does he like the Beatles?  Will he tolerate my terrible jokes?
    Is there a fungus among us?  We want to know.
    I guess I have to go ask.  It seems like the fungi isn't covered if caused by a fungi.  If it ever happens, maybe they bring in little fungi police to find the first fungi and arrest him, thereby not covering the other fungi.
     And why is fungi the plural?  It's not rhinoceri, (rhinoceros) or croci. (crocus)  Why fungi?
     I won't even begin to talk about what  cutting a brown grocery bag into four rectangles and 6 squares can do to a person's self esteem.  Even with a template I could not do it!  It looked so easy......7 paper bags later I was still trying to figure it out.
      Now I am tired.  Too much thinking for this old guy.

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