Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Just like Fantasia

I once majorly embarrassed myself at a family function

     I have debated telling this story.  There's  a variety of reasons why.
     First, it involves family.
     Next, it is truly embarrassing.
     Finally, there is a clown involved.
     We were at a christening party. (Don't judge me!)  The event was catered, and food was to be delivered at about 2 or so.
     Brother in law Bob made me a rum and coke.  We sat, talked, visited with our fairly new in laws, and Bob made me another rum and Coke.
      I had not eaten lunch, but it was almost 2 and the food would be there any minute.
     At 2:30 Bob made me another rum with a hint of Coke.  Sure the food was a little late, but the rum was filling.
     At 3:30 Bob made me another rum and a dash of Coke.  The caterer had car trouble, but found someone to deliver the food.
     That's when it got weird.
     A Volkswagen Beetle pulled up and a slightly pudgy clown, complete with the red ball nose and huge shoes, got out.
     When she carried in the food, Bob and I circled like vultures.  Any clown joke you can imagine we used.  The more we talked, the faster she moved.
      We sat down to eat and the food was quite good.
      But after all the drink and all the food, I started to feel a little, shall we say, uncomfortable.
      There was a little bathroom off the family room and when it became vacant, I occupied it.
      Turning on the fan, I noticed the porcelain bowl suddenly seemed like an excellent spot to lean over.   You know, because I was uncomfortable.
      But the family room was right outside the door, so I turned the water on in the sink and began to, politely putting it, regurgitate.  Several times.  Loudly.
      I kept my head over the bowl, though, and did not miss, flushing often.
     After my third self relief, a drop of water hit my head.  Puzzled, I looked up.
     It was like that scene in Fantasia with the flood.  Water was literally rolling over the side of the bowl in waves,  cascading down the front of the sink onto the carpeted floor.  Whitecaps had formed in the sink!!
     I desperately tried to get up, but ended up puking again.  And again.
     By now my knees were getting wet.  I could hear that music playing as Mickey hustles with the buckets and the brooms keep multiplying.
     I finally got up and turned off the water.  The floor was a sopping mess.  The only thing I could find was a face cloth.
     I blotted  and squeezed,  and blotted and squeezed, and blotted and squeezed.......I was in there quite a while.  I think people started knocking on the door.
     The carpet was damp, but no longer squishy.  I washed my hands and face, opened the door and found several people staring at me.
      Jackie said, "I think we better go now."
      I nodded yes, said thank you, and left.
      On the way out we saw Bob.  He was bent over in the street.  His wife was trying to get him in the car and make an escape.  It was too late to make a clean get-a-way...if you get my drift.
     There were many other family gatherings at the house.  We were not invited.
     Years later, I did apologize.  They were very kind and laughed about it, but I'm not sure they meant it.



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