Thursday, May 1, 2014

Did you hear the one about......

I sometimes tell not so funny jokes

     One of the problems in being in education is you sometimes lose the ability to speak to adults.  My mind spent 18 years with 10 and 11 year olds.  Most adults don't have the same stream of conversation I had with students in school.
      So in honor of the almost end of the school year, here are some of my favorite funnies.
Knock, knock
Who is there?
Yah hoo?
I didn't know you were a cowboy.

If April showers bring may flowers, what do may flowers bring?   Pilgrims!!

What goes 99 thump, 99 thump?  A centipede with a wooden leg!

Why did the pirate have trouble reading?  He only knew arrrrr!

What's the last thing to go through a bug's mind when he hits a windshield?   His butt!!

Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Boo hoo?
Don't cry, I'll tell you.

What month is a pirate favorite?   Maaaarch!!

Whats black and white and red all over?  A sunburned zebra.  An embarrassed penguin.  A newspaper.  A nun in a blender.

You are locked in a windowless room.  All you have is a piece of chalk. How can you get out?  You break the chalk in half.  One half plus one half make a hole and you can crawl out that!

Railroad crossing.  Can you spell it without any rs?  IT!!!!

Why did Silly Sam throw a clock out the window?  He wanted to see time fly!! sides are aching.  Time for bed.
If you have a funny favorite, put it in the comment line!!

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