Monday, April 28, 2014

Some days are just....weird

I was trapped in a time warp today

     I taught for 28 years.  If you figure 20 kids in a class per year, that is 560 youngsters I had in my career.  Double that and that accounts for the other fifth grade, which I had for social studies.
    So pardon me if  I forget a name or two.
    But today was unreal.  It was like a look into the past and the future both, at the same time.
    I am a Rotarian, and we have been volunteering to read in the elementary schools this year.  I read in two first grade class rooms at Lincoln School.
    First off...the school is beautiful.  Bright halls and classrooms, an amazing media center (which is what we used to call the library), a drop dead gorgeous art room and a great bunch of teachers and kids.
    So I went to my first class, which was  taught by a former student!  We spent a great half hour reading stories and talking.  Then I went to another first grade that was taught by the mother of a former student.
    I wandered the halls and peeked in a fourth grade room, taught by another former student.  He didn't see me, and his class was pretty quiet, so I just tiptoed away.  I saw another former student who works as an aide at Lincoln. I skipped the fifth grade taught by a former student......there may be a trend here.
     I exercised, then stopped at Sear's.  Despite my past history, I gave them another chance and bought a spreader that I can hitch to my riding lawn mower.  Sure it took two days to assemble, but it looks good.  Problem is, the little trap door shuts, but does not open.  I thought the staff could give me a pointer.
     I walk in and am greeted by another former student!  Now it is starting to get a little eerie.  I have seen former students before, but like eagles and snowy owls, usually just one or two at a time.  I was now up to five.
    After there, I went to the library and bingo......another former student who was on his way in to return a book.
     Last stop, Do It Best  Hardware (sorry Stan) and at the front counter is another former student!
     All of them in my homeroom, and all but one I recognized.  When you spend a year with a 10 year old, sometimes it is a little hard to recognize them as an 18 year old.  Hell, I can't recognize people I met yesterday.
     And I saw four parents of former students......
      I went home a little surprised.  I felt maybe I had time traveled from fifth grade to the future and was due to go back.
      But Emily and John came over to borrow some wheels. .... and realized, she's another former student!
     That's why the wine bottle is half empty.  Or is it half full.  I can never figure it out.


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