Sunday, April 6, 2014

oops....but with a good reason

We attended  a wedding Saturday and I did not post

     In the first place, I forgot my computer.  We were in a hotel that had free wifi, and I could have used John's......but it's a password thing.  I don't know what password I use for the blog account.
     That's why I missed a post...the first one, but the way.
      The wedding was nice.  Watching a kid you have seen since day one of his life grow, find love, and marry is kind of an emotional thing.  We changed his diapers!  So it's hard to believe he is old enough to marry....and yet he has graduated college, gotten a good job, bought a nice house and found a wonderful girl.
     Again proving the old truth that life passes  too quickly.
     At least at this wedding I didn't stand up and walk into the aisle before the bride and groom did.  Jackie stared at me as I was standing in the aisle as Hank and Britta approached from behind.  I calmly stretched, hitched up my pants and sat back down.  I don't think anyone noticed.
     We were married at St. Paul Episcopal Church in DeKalb.  The church was fairly new and the concrete floors were, well concrete.  We had a runner going down the middle aisle that seemed to unroll forever.  I think they could have gone to Malta with it and still had room.
     And when Jackie threw the bouquet, the guy with a broken leg, and no interest at all in marriage, pushed everyone out of the way and grabbed it.  We have proof, in pictures.
     We were young.  And poor.  Jackie chose a wedding march that seemed to go on forever.  I remember standing up in the front, watching the back of the church and waiting and waiting and waiting for the music to end.  It finally did, and we got hitched.
      Jackie poked me yesterday at Steven and Rachel's wedding and said, "This one's as long as ours!"
     Marriage is like an Illinois highway:  There are smooth stretches, but there are also potholes, ruts, bumps and detours.  It's all part of the journey a couple takes in life.  And it is true, getting there is half the fun.


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