Monday, April 14, 2014

I hope I make it

I plan to see the blood moon tonight

     I know it is snowing.  I know I have to wait till the wee hours of the morning.  I know I have to get up early.
     But this is the first in four lunar events between now and September 2015.  They only happen about every 400 I am not going to be around for the next one.
     Or will I?
     Sometimes I believe in reincarnation.
     I think I have been alive before, but in another time  and in another form.
     That explains many of my likes and fears.
     I don't like heights, but I love WW II history.   So maybe I was a paratrooper going into France (which I love) but died on the way down.  That would explain my WW II connection and my fear of heights.
     Or maybe I was a victim of the Black Plague that almost wiped out Europe on the mid 1300s.  It was spread, in part, by rats.  That would explain my fear of anything fury that isn't in a cage and my near death experiences whenever I get a cold.  And since it may have originated in the Middle East, it could explain my fondness for  Chinese take out.
      I love the artwork of Van Gogh and other impressionists.  So maybe I was a failed art student or art critic in the 1880s.  I have been in Paris several times  (yes, I am bragging) and feel very at home there.  Van Gogh did work in Paris, as did Degas and Toulouse-Lautrec.  They loved baguettes and croissants and I love baguettes and croissants!  I can speak some French, enough to order croissants and red wine, so there has to be a connection.
     My father was in the Army during The Great War.  (Although he was German, he was in the U.S. Army.  It was only for a couple of weeks and then the war was over, but I am counting it.)  Lately I feel that connection strongly.  Could it be I was a young German soldier in the trenches along the Western Front?  Do I like cold because I was actually stationed on the Eastern Front during the siege of Russia?
     And other connections run through my mind.  I love flowers, was I a bee?  I never know the words to all of a song, so was I a humming bird?  I love the smell of grass, does that mean I was a cow in an earlier life?  (No comment needed, Beth.)
     There are times when I feel I have been in a place before.  I know exactly where to turn, what the street is.  Where to find the bus.  Reincarnation?  Or a Garmin, that helps too.
     But I am hedging my bets.  I will try to watch the eclipse tonight.
     And if in 400 years some young lad living under a dome with robotic parents looks into the sky and sees the moon disappear, maybe, just maybe, he'll think, "Huh....that seems familiar."

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