Thursday, April 24, 2014

I am a rebel....maybe even an outlaw

I have two sets of Lawn Jarts

     For those too young to remember, Lawn Jarts were about one foot long.  They had a steel head with a pencil like point.  The shaft was a plastic arrow.  They were big darts that you would use in the yard.
     People would spread out two circles.  You would alternate throws between the red darts and the blue Jarts.    (Note:  I use both terms...darts and Jarts.  I capitalize Jarts, because it is a brand name.  Like Kleenex.  But then again, I may be confused and just like capitalizing it because it is such a neat word.)  You could play one on one or teams.
     Back in the 80s  these were real popular games....the bags without the bags.
     Then one day a youngster got killed playing with them.  While it was a tragic all deaths of young people caused a lot of people to jump up and down and say, "Ban the darts!!  Ban the darts!!"
      So they were banned.
     In 1988 the consumer Product Safety Commission banned them.  You can import parts to repair the darts, but you can not buy complete lawn Jart sets because they are too dangerous.  (At least according to Wikipedia, the final say on almost everything.)
    You have to love our government......each weekend dozens of people are shot in Chicago, some fatally.  Cigarettes kill thousands directly or indirectly every year.  Riding lawnmowers, ATVs, snowmobiles all have deaths.....but they don't get banned.  And I won't even mention atomic weapons.
     But lawn darts?
     Anyway, I have some.  If anyone is up for a game this summer, let me know.  I have not played since a particularly rowdy golf tournament post party several years ago.
      But you have to bring your own beer....and promise not to stand to close to the circle or to near the thrower in case he has had too much wine.

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