Wednesday, April 16, 2014

2 to 1 Chicago gets a casino

I love going to the boats to gamble

     Actually, I like going to any casino.
     Please understand, I am not some raving gambler who can't control himself.
     I get a couple of dollars worth of nickels and maybe $10 worth of quarters and I am good to go.
     I think the $12 is a cheap night.  I get a thrill at the slots.  I love pulling the arm and watching the symbols go around.
     My Uncle Ernie used to have a slot machine in his basement.  It took nickels.  Whenever there was a family gathering at Uncle Ernie's, I would grab a handful of nickels and head straight toward the basement.
     He also had a big old Wurlitzer juke box down there.  That played for free, but if you wanted to play the slots you had to have nickels.
     It was a big machine.  The arm was big and it made a creaaaak thump when you pulled and the symbols started spinning.  Three cherries across gave a jackpot.
     I never won, but it seemed Uncle Ernie took a lot of trips to Ireland, homeland of his wife, my Aunt Nora.  I may have even paid for one of those trips....traveling on my nickels, I guess.
     But Chicago should have a casino.  It's a big city, gets lots of tourists, is an international destination and would be a good fit.
    And there will be plenty of oversight, so there will be no possibility of corruption.  No aldermen taking a campaign donation for a yes vote, no city officials overlooking fire violations, no state senators and representatives dipping their hands into the honey pot of mega dollars....because the state is on top of it.
     I have not gone gambling for a couple of years.  Rumor is a trip to the Quad Cities and the comedy club is in the works, but that rumor started a few months ago and nothing seems to have happened, yet.
     Until then, I will just save my nickels and quarters so I am fully prepared.


1 comment:

  1. We figured the Quad Cities would be a good day-trip from Rochelle...
    Cuz Sal
