Friday, April 4, 2014

are all adages old?

I get confused on old adages

     Is it March comes in like an lion and goes out like a lamb, or vice versa?  March  seemed to go out kind of lion like this year....but I don't remember how it came in.
     Do I feed a cold and starve a fever, or starve a cold and feed a fever?  This one is kind of important, because I have a cold.  I have been eating like a hog gone crazy....anything that is sweet I have devoured.  Now I need salt.  Maybe I should have been going hungry because I don't have a fever.  Should I be starving myself or feeding myself??  And why don't we have any pudding in the cupboard??
      Why shouldn't people in glass houses throw stones?  I would think people who live in glass houses should invest in good sets of blinds or curtains, because they don't want peepers passing by peering in.  Maybe they can toss an occasional stone, or get stoned for all I care.
     And the world is not getting smaller.  It's still a long way to Tipperary and I don't know if that's in Ireland or not.
     I spent the majority of the day sleeping.  That means I won't be able to sleep tonight.   The cold is still there, but it isn't as bad.  I can breathe.  Something tells me that wine and cough syrup are not a good combination.
     I slept through much of the Cubs home opener...and apparently, so did he Cubs.  I admit whenever I see Ernie Banks, Billy Williams, Fergie Jenkins and Ryne Sandberg, I get the chills.  Too bad Ronnie wasn't there with them, although I think everyone feels his spirit at the park.
     And early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise is not all true.  I go to bed late and get up late and look at me!
      On second thought.......maybe that one is true.


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