Sunday, April 6, 2014

I think I see the problem

I miss Johnny, Andy, Carol, Lucy and other TV legends

     I claim not to watch a lot of TV, but in reality, I do.  And tonight I am wondering why.
     Contrast the sexual references on I Love Lucy with the HIMYM, or Two and a Half Men, or even Big Bang Theory.
     Ricky and Lucy slept in separate beds! Little Ricky was conceived asexually....they never touched each other in the bedroom!  It was a funny show. Sex jokes are the main humor in my three favorite shows, but even I am getting tired of the Two and a Half Men routine.  It's not funny any more.  It's sad.
     And remember when Andy investigated a crime in Mayberrry?  Someone might have stolen a chicken, or maybe the town drunk (now referred to as the person with an alcohol dependency issue) put himself in the clink.  Turn on a crime show today and you'll see at least one bloody, or even decapitated body, in the opening scenes.  No wonder we are buying guns in record numbers.
     I loved watching Alfred Hitchcock's shows, both the half hour and the hour ones, and I don't think I ever saw more than a trickle of blood on any of the victims.  And he was the master of suspense.  Watch Rear Window, or Vertigo and tell me you aren't on the edge of your seat.  And guess what?  No blood.
    Of course I wouldn't take a shower or stay in a motel for months after seeing Psycho the first time.  And no, my parents weren't permissive.  I didn't watch it until I was in my 30s.  I still get tingly when that squeeeee, squeeeeee, squeeeee music starts and the knife flashes.
      But even that pales in comparison to what is on TV today.
      Tonight I saw a commercial for a series based on the Salem witch trials, and thanks for debuting during a holy season.  What better entertainment than watching a group of narrow minded ignoramuses determine if you are a witch or not by killing you!
     Concerned about violence in the middle school group?  Than the new drama on Lifetime should really hit a nerve.  Based on the previews, it looks like a group of girls involved in a romantic triangle with each other kill one of the three and then cover up the crime.  That should make junior high parents' imagination run wild.
     And are there really maids that look like the ones on Devious Maids?  If there were, I would have worked harder in life accumulating wealth just to have to one around.
     My favorite Johnny Carson bit was the tomahawk throwing episode with Ed Ames.  If you have never seen it,  do a You Tube search and you can find it.  Without making a comment, and he could have done several, he let the audience create their own humor and then he got the big laugh with a line not sexual at all.  It was/is priceless.
    I am no prude.  If you have ever seen one of our Exit 99 adult shows, you know I can be a bit on the foul side.
     But now it just seems too much.
     A fart in church may make me giggle, but if everybody does it all the time, it's not funny.
     It's disgusting
     Much like many of today's shows.

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