Sunday, April 27, 2014

It's not work if it's fun

I love being a zoo volunteer

     Today we had the annual zoo volunteer appreciation dinner.  Awards were given out for various years of service.  A couple of people were honored for volunteering 40 years!
     They started volunteering in 1973....and they are not the first group of volunteers still active at the zoo.
     I think I heard there were six active volunteers over the age of 90!
     My zoo friend Donna will get an award next year for 40 years of the dinner when she received her 35 year pin, she said she had volunteered at the zoo for almost half her life!!
     I will be an even 100 when I get a 40 year pin......but we know what the odds of that are.  The Cubs will win a World Series before then, I hope.
     I know a lot of people think I am a bit goofy for driving 160 miles round trip to spend four hours at the zoo, but I really enjoy it.
     I only wish I had started doing that earlier.
     So here's a bit of friendly advice:  volunteer your time somewhere, doing something you love.  I'm guessing if someone asked those 90 year old volunteers about a secret to long life, they would answer:  "Do something you love."
     And I am always willing to carpool.....

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