Thursday, July 11, 2019

win some, lose some

I finally finished something

     The area behind the house is finished.  Sort of.  There needs to be some additional plantings, but not this year.  Also, some plants need to be moved, but not this year.
     Butt first, guess: what did I have  for supper?

     If you said grape Jello, you would be right.  Butt if you said salad with chicken, you would also be right.  Wednesday night was not a good dining night.
     Butt I digress.  Plantings.
     This is what the area looks like as of today

     Back in the corner is a plant which grows very tall and produces a flower that bees love.  It was on the corner of my deck last year, but there were so many bees on the flower, it was a little disconcerting.  The flower is of the anise family and does it smell great!
     In front of it is a butterfly bush, which I will be surprised if it survives.  I have moved it three times in a month.
     The girls got that for my birthday and hopefully now it will start to grow.  The lilies are from Emily's house .... or at least the first house.  When they started reconstructing, people dug up the lilies she had and put them in this space behind our  house.
     I have moved some of them, Emily and John have taken some, and next year hopefully a couple more will go and I will fill the area with natives.  Flowers, not the people kind.
     Incidentally....the sump pump hose kind of disrupts the space.  We have been in the house almost seven years and the pump has run only during the two weeks I was gone last year.  There was no hose, John had to buy one, and attach it.  It has not run since.
     Go figure.  I think it missed me.
Peace and Love

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