Wednesday, July 3, 2019

bad day or good day

My emotions are a little wild today

     A friend left his job recently.  Suddenly.  Unexpectedly.  I was/am truly sad to see this person go, because they were really nice.  Someday maybe I will learn why, but it could just be none of my business.  But it still saddens me.
     Even though it was hot, I managed to trim the rest of the bushes and get in an 11 mile bike ride.  I am gradually getting distances built up, but I am way behind where I thought I would be at this time of the year.  I just need to ride.
     And....I went swimming in S and MK's pool!  They have invited me over at least 1,000 times, but I have not gone in years.  Today I went.  It felt good.
     That's my life in a nutshell.  Good day....bad day.....happy day.....sad day. 
Peace and Love

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