Tuesday, July 9, 2019

call 9 1 1

I nearly bled to death today

     I must have lost 5 gallons of blood..it was terrible.
     I take a blood thinner....or at least, I did until today.  This was my last dose. It causes me to bruise easily and to bleed a lot.
     I was baiting a mouse trap when I felt my two fingers sticking together.  I looked, and they were bloody.
     I washed my hands and found a small, microscopic puncture type wound on my pinkie finger, near the nail.
     It bled and bled and bled......almost 40 minutes.  I tried ice, holding it straight above my head, pressure, bandages....nothing stopped the flow.   It was like a drippy faucet.
     After half an hour, Jackie said maybe I should go to urgent care.  I told her they would laugh themselves silly over the guy with a paper cut.
     Eventually it stopped.  It never hurt, it was just aggravating. 
     I mowed, then rode my bike, made supper, folded clothes, walked Corki and tried to work in the garden, but the bugs were too many and my body too tired at that point.
     And doing all that, not a drop of blood was spilled.
     Funny, isn't it.
Peace and Love

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