Saturday, July 6, 2019


My body seems to be doing weird things

     I noticed a wild hair this morning.  I tried combing it, but it would not stay down.  It stuck out of the left side of my head like a sore thumb.
     So I decided to pull it.
     It was on my ear!!!
     I swear, it was about 3 inches long.  How the hell does a hair grow that long on my ear and me not notice it?
     Notice, on my ear....not in my ear.
     Just weird.
     Took the kids to the airport tonight and did not get lost on the way home.    Emily is always convinced I am going to end up going the wrong way.  Just because I circled the airport to park one time and ended up 5 miles away on a dark, not well travelled street, which may in fact have actually been a parking lot for rental cars....she thinks I can get lost too easily.
     Well, I managed to find a Starbucks and not get lost.  I do admit, thought I might be, but I knew I wasn't, but the thought entered my mind that I was not on the road I thought I was on, even though I was.  I knew exactly where I was going, just did not know where I was.  But I was not lost. 
     And I did get a coffee. 
     So, all went right with the world.
Peace and Love....especially at 12 noon tomorrow!

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