Saturday, July 13, 2019

dog tired

Fun day dealing hot dogs today

     I volunteered at the museum for hot dog day.  This is an annual event where groups or merchants pay a promotion fee to the local paper.  The groups get hot dogs, buns, condiments and advertising.
     I think 16 businesses and groups took part, including the museum.
     We were given something like 600 hot dogs to cook and distribute in the 3 hour period and we did pretty well, servingabout like 400 dogs to people.
     Saw lots of people I knew, met some others, and had a lot of fun, despite the heat.  Even got a neat book about Chicago Cubs players.
     I didn't do much, actually.  I ran the hot dogs from the cooker to the server.  I also held the lid on the roaster so the server could use two hands to get dogs.  We had some high schoolers volunteer and they did an amazing job.  One of the young men went from Spanish to English with no hesitation, it was so natural for him.  Makes me wish I knew a language well enough to do that.
     And yes, I had a couple of dogs.  Brought some home for Jackie too. 

Purple tongue??? Must be a slushie nearby!!!

Posing with Jenna...a former student and current hot dog queen..and her hot dog king

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