Thursday, July 18, 2019

out of the blue

I am not a texter

     If I happen to remember to check, I'm ok at reading them.  But I forget to check.
     I got a text from a number I did not recognize....and it created happiness in my life.
      "Yeager's Farm Market near DeKalb has Illinois peaches"
     Illinois peaches.....I dream of Illinois peaches.  And sweetcorn.  And super models.  And Wisconsin or Michigan cherries.
     So after Jackie's doctor's appointment in DeKalb today, we made a side trip to the market and I bought two pounds of Illinois peaches.
      My friends Dan and Linda sometimes bring them up when they are down visiting family, and Dianne brought them .......but this is a goofy growing season.
     I love the peaches from Alto Pass.  They are sweet, juicy and almost melt in your mouth.   These were from Cobden, with is a little south of Alto Pass.  The first one was drop dead delicious.....juice was running down my chin.  The second one was not quite ready, could have used a day or two more to ripen.  but it was still good.
     So thanks, MG for the heads up.  I have to go to DeKalb next Wednesday and I think I know where my side trip will take me....again.
     Peace and Love and Illinois peaches

It's an Illinois peach!!!

Ahhhh.....the taste is amazing  I am a happy man.

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