Sunday, July 21, 2019

better late

I got home a little late this morning

     Jimmy Buffett will do that to ya if you are not careful.
     Had a great day sailing, laughing and listening to one of the worlds largest sing along concerts. 
     The show started late,  I read a review in the Milwaukee Sentinel that said Jimmy waited to give his fans time to get in and seated.  The afternoon storm delayed entry to the parking area for many of the 27,000 people estimated to be there.
     Not everything went was not especially kind and getting out of the parking lot took forever..... but it was a great day.

sailing on Lake Delaven

Does it look like rain?

How about we hold down the canopy because it was really windy

after the rain....all is well

What kind of a game attracts a large male audience?
One  that features the possibility of boob exposure

did she?   I won't say.... but thanks, stranger, for the thrill

they brought in a pallet of sand

this was cool.  Or cold, either one

More sand, another tiki bar

New take on ring toss

I like the look...I think

The crowd was huge..and loved to sing 

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