Tuesday, July 16, 2019

don't melt

Please be careful the next five days

     The temps are supposed to be ...... well.... hot.
     I have a Cub game Friday, with the highs near 100.  I have a concert Saturday, again with the highs near 100 plus the threat of rain.
     My plan is to find shade, drink plenty of water, and be very inactive.  In other words, my normal day.
     I did mow today.  When we got home from shopping trip one, it was about 5 and the temps did not seem bad.  But after mowing, I felt a little woozy from the heat, bumping up and down, and the 64 ounce iced coffee I had.  BTW, the 64 ounce is an exaggeration.
     I did not get a chance to work on my table....hoping to get out early tomorrow and do that.  Someone mentioned that we could go shopping again tomorrow.     Not sure with the heat  I really want to do that, but we will see.
     Stay cool, friends.  Beat the heat.
Peace and Love

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