Monday, July 22, 2019


I had a fairly normal day

     Seriously, first one in a long time.  Airport trips, concerts, ball games, doctor appointments, pedicures, shopping trips......this was my first day at home in a week.
     Of course, I did hardly anything.  I did not get to work until 3, and took a couple of breaks before supper.  I am still pretty tired.
     Just a few unconnected photos that are in my mind today.
     First is a crowd shot of the Buffett show.  There were a lot of people there.  And a lot of beach balls.

This was the chaos at O'Hare on Sunday.  There were a lot of people at the international terminal.

Julia, I am ready for the fete!  Emily was kind enough to bring me this to wear while visiting you!

Peace and Love and sweet dreams.

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