Thursday, July 25, 2019

good things

Today was a pretty good day

     I was able to give Jackie her ring back.  It had disappeared when I cleaned off the dresser.
     We have been putting out items to take on vacation, and the ring was on top of the box.  I moved the box.  The ring disappeared Tuesday.
     We looked every where.
     After a fun evening with SK, in which we consumed pizza and wine, I donned some plastic gloves and sifted through two bags of garbage and two cans of recyclables. I looked in chairs, under the bed again, and in all the places we had already looked two or three times.
     I decided to look in that box of vacation things one more time.  I picked up a slipper sock and squeezed it, then a second and bingo!  The ring was down in the toe.
     But something else made this a good day.
     Our recycling gets picked up in the afternoon.  I usually take it out about 9 or 9:30 but for some reason I took it out last night.
     They came before 8.
     My recycling is gone.  If I had waited, I would have had a huge pile of cardboard in the garage.  I sure don't need any more crap in there.
     I still have not done my table.  I don't see it getting sanded and oiled before we leave for Switzerland.
     But who knows, stranger things have happened.
Peace and Love

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