Wednesday, July 10, 2019

debit or credit

Pardon me while I hide

     I have to get out of this house.
     Jackie is balancing the checkbook.
     There was  a time she would spend days looking for $1.17, either because the bank said we had it or didn’t have it.
     I finally convinced her to just forget the small amounts.
     I could be sitting in the den and she will yell, “We’re off $600 dollars."  In fact, we may be off $6, but it seems every month we are off a large amount of money. 
     But she balances.  I would be more like my mother.  She would write a check for  $24 but round that to $20 in her check book.  If it was $25, she would round it to $30.  And she would never balance the checkbook.  She would wait for Jackie, or another family member, to balance it for her.  It was impossible.
     She would reach a point where the only possible solution was to close the account and open a new one at a different bank.  Surprisingly, The balance the bank had at closing was usually pretty darn close to what she thought she had. 
     I would be a disaster at balancing a check book.  For one, I don’t write down checks.  I don’t write very many, but I don’t record the ones I do write. 
     I sat on the porch and read for an hour this afternoon while she struggled with getting a balance close to what the bank says we have.  She will go back to work on it tomorrow, and I will have to flee to the porch again. … because I know at some point she will ask me to add up numbers she reads to me.  It’s always a problem because I forget to hit the add key, or minus key, and end up with a trillion dollars.  Then we have to start over.
     I think I like my mom’s system better.
Peace and Love

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