Friday, July 12, 2019

hot diggity dog

Tomorrow is hot dog day in Rochelle

     Free hot dogs will be given away starting at 11 a.m. at various businesses around town.  I will be at the museum, probably just standing around and munching hot dogs while supposedly working.
     These are really good hot dogs, too.  Crisp casing, nice thickness and consistency.... prime dogs.
     Sometimes people take one or two for "later."  Last year one guy asked for 6 to take home.  People need to exercise restraint.  For example, I only  take home 10 or 11.  Just kidding.
     I take one for Jackie and one for me.   Ok, maybe two for me.
     If someone wants more, I would think it's because they can't afford a lot of food on the table, and the dogs help.  So, I guess I am ok with them taking more.
     I like them for the taste.  The dogs being free isn't a bad deal either.
    So tomorrow, I guess I will be doggin' it.
Peace and Love and hold the ketchup.

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