Monday, July 8, 2019

oh deer

I am becoming a wildlife magnet

     I was working in the garden today...picking peas!  Did not get as many as I would like;  the heat and wacky weather may have messed up my crop more than I thought.
     Anyway...picking peas.  Corki sniffing away under the magnolia tree when I see this:

     It approached very carefully and seemed to be heading toward the bird feeder.  Corkie saw it and immediately ran straight at it.
     But the deer must have known Corki could not go far, because it only moved a few feet and then continued grazing on the flowers.  Corki kept barking like a mad dog.
     Maybe that's why some of my beans seem to be only half there...... 
     I did not catch any critters today.  The deer was too big to catch, and the ground squirrel was sitting outside the trap this morning, taunting me again.  I wonder if I could spray paint them to see if  they are coming back.  Not a lot of spray paint, just a little.
     The other day I was driving and saw this guy. or girl.  Same one?

     It did not move when I drove past, backed the car up, rolled down a window and took a picture.  Just kept eating.
     And finally, does this look like some creepy arms reaching out to the sun?

Maybe it's just my imagination, running away with me.  Or Ents.
Peace and Love

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