Sunday, July 14, 2019

what happened?

I woke up old today

     There was a bike ride in DeKalb I had planned to do today.  But I walked Corki yesterday and the heat just beat the crap out of me.  How could I ride 20 miles if I can't walk half a mile?
     So I did not do the ride.
     Years ago I would have.
     In fact years ago three of us did a ride in Wisconsin on a super hot day.  We started in New Glarus and rode, I believe to Brodhead, and back.  It was hot.  We were at a state park camp ground with no showers, so we headed for the local muni pool for a shower and swim.
     We ended up going to a small town, paying $1.50 to shower and swim.  While I was still in the shower, one of the Steve's on the trip had gone into the pool.
He came back and said, "We are not swimming here.  Let's go."  And he walked out.
     We got dried off and followed him...but he would not say a word.
     When we got in the car he said, "I won't swim in a pool where they yell get the net for the scoop the poop drill."
     The next day we started out again and rode maybe five miles.....but it was so hot.  We stopped for a drink and spent several hours in an air conditioned bar.
     So, I have ridden in the heat.  But I just couldn't today.
     I think my days of hot weather activities may be coming to an end.
     To me it signals my age is catching up to me.
     But as John says, at least I am getting up on the right side of the grass.
Peace and Love

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