Tuesday, July 23, 2019


I have to apologize to a neighbor

     I  was backing out of my driveway and did not pay attention.  The almost hit me, but luckily stopped.  I pulled in and waved, but I think their wave might have involved only one finger.
     Driving was an issue today, for some reason.
     I take Seventh Street to Rotary but the state is paving the road, reducing it to one lane.  They have flaggers at both ends and at cross streets, but I was coming out of a parking lot.  I thought the road was clear, the southbound traffic was stopped, so I went out.
     I did not see the big construction truck coming.  I had to turn into an empty lot, drive across the lot, and exit on the other side.  Off roading in my Honda.
     I had to get to the other side because there is a Casey's gas station there.
     For those of you who do not know, Casey's does not charge for air.  I had a low tire.    I am too cheap to buy air, so I go to Casey's.
    Tires aired up, all works well.
    My worst experience was catching a ground squirrel.  I took him far out in the country and opened the trap.  He did not want to leave.  I opened both ends, gave it a little shake, and he went out into the grass.
    Then he turned and looked me directly in the eye.  He had a sad face.  He was thinking, "Geez....you are taking me far away from my home and family.  I don't even have a hole to crawl into.  What happens to me now?"
    I left him there.
    That makes 4 I have caught this year. 
    And I have plenty more.
Love and Peace

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