Friday, June 3, 2016

An RX I can try

I saw my heart doctor this week

     I go to him once a year, just to be sure.
     He listens to my heart, asks all sorts of questions, then we chit chat about life.
     He likes to ride his bicycle.  We talk about riding.  He said the guys in his group no longer wait for the stragglers at the last light near the end of the ride.  He is now one of the stragglers.
     As all doctors seem to do, he  mentioned my need to lose weight.
     Changing my eating habits and increasing my activity level (notice I did not say exercise routine, because I don't have one) will help lower my weight and my blood pressure and bad cholesterol, all things I need to lower.
     Sometimes I think:  Why bother?  I am going to die someday, whether I exercise and eat right or not.
     He did give me a prescription.  He said I need to ride my bike 10 miles a day.  Not 9, but 10.  And to not eat ice cream.
     I went Wednesday.  Today is Friday and today I rode my first 10 miler of the summer.
     If it doesn't rain tomorrow, I plan to duplicate my effort.
     To celebrate, I had a small bowl of ice cream.
     Some habits are just hard to break.

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