Saturday, June 25, 2016

home again, home again

I did ride 15 miles today

     I was a little hot.  I was a little winded.  The southerly breeze nearly did me in during the last four did not look strong, but it did affect me.
     My team mate Stacy rode 35 miles.....and a big congratulations to her.   Maybe next year I can do the 35 mile ride....hopefully.  I say that every year.
     The thing about the MS ride is you don't have to be a great cyclist.  There were people there older than me, heavier than me, yet they were riding because a friend, relative, neighbor or co-worker has MS.
     Some people finished the ride quickly.  Some took a long time.
     It's not a race, it's a statement.
     I was sitting at the rest area at Brooks' Elementary listening to other riders.  One woman was living and working in Chicago, but was from  Pennsylvania and does several rides.  She was telling a fellow rider that there is a 150 mile ride coming up she was planning on doing.  She said she and her friends have traveled across the states doing MS rides.
     The rest area was 7 miles or so into my ride.  I actually was sitting there thinking, "I could do 35 today.  I feel strong."
     Then I got back on my bike and realized the folly of that thinking.
     150 miles?  Maybe in a month.  Or two.  But not in a day.  Or weekend.
     There was a large crowd at the Convo Center in DeKalb.....lots of teams have tents.
     So, some random pictures of the day.
     And think about this:  Next year's tour is June 10 and 11.  Plenty of time to get in gear and ride with Jackies Jokers!
     When I got home I showered and then took a little rest on the porch.....a lie down, if you will.  I was pretty beat.
    And it is not too late to donate, just visit the Bike MS Tour de Farms website and search for Jackies Jokers......spelled incorrectly, I know.  But it is different!
     I'm also thinking....Biking with Beanzie in July in DeKalb.  Anyone want to join me?

Jackies Jokers ready to ride

This guy lost weight!

You have to love the sign

And the they are Cub fans!

It's a party atmosphere

Some riders camp on the north campus of NIU

My and my really cool t shirt and medal......35 years!  This was my third!

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