Wednesday, June 22, 2016

hair today, gone tomorrow

Put Julia on a big plane tonight

     Still not sure when she site says she left at 7:10, and another site said she was delayed 87, I don't know.
    I did not get lost at the airport, which is a first.
    I did not cry, which is also a first.
    On the way home I stopped for a coffee on the oasis on 294 and ran into a fellow Rochelleite....Rochellian?...... who was on his way to the airport to pick up his wife.  Small world.
     Two pretzels and a couple of beverages later, wifey and I were back on the road, heading to a much to empty house.
    Even Corki senses someone is missing.
    As we drove on 88, I mentioned that the sky to the south was pretty ugly.  So it was no surprise when the weather radio went off with tornado warnings for Amboy, Paw Paw, Earlville.....the sky looked mean.
     I had a funny thing happen this morning.
     Every day lately when I comb my hair, I have a wild hair that just doesn't go down.
     Today I took a closer look and was on my ear!
     Seriously!  This little sucker was at least 2 inches long, growing on the tip of my ear.
     Gross, yes; but at least I have some hair growing.

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