Friday, June 24, 2016

ride, ride ride....let it ride

I am raising money for MS research tomorrow

    It's the Bike MS Tour de Farms, and it begins at the Convo Center in DeKalb.
    Riders have various lengths, and I am opting for the 15 mile ride.  In my dreams I think I can do 35, but in my legs I think 15 is plenty.
    The Jackies Jokers team has raised over $1,000..... which I think is darn good.  There are two members, myself and Rev. Stacy, our priest at church.  She is riding 35 miles because she is much younger and in better cycling shape.
    My guess is the  roads near DeKalb will be pretty crowded, especially in the morning.  Most routs go down 38 to Huber Parkway, then out into the country.
    Last year 1,800 riders took part in the event and over $1.5 million was raised.
    Pretty impressive.
    Anyway, here is a link:

    That should take you to the Jackies Jokers page, where you can make a donation.
    Now, I have to get to bed because I need to get up early tomorrow for a little ride.

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