Thursday, June 23, 2016

oh nooooooo!

I took out the trash today

     We had a lot of leftovers, unfortunately, and today was the last day we felt comfortable eating macaroni salad and potato salad.
     So out it went.
     It's tangy.  I like it tangy.....  did not apply, TC.
     In hindsight, I should have arranged for a special trash pickup on Monday.
     The garbage was stacked up in my red garden cart.  I figured I could just haul it out to the curb in the cart.  And four cans.  And six extra bags.
     There was  a lot of trash.
     It was hot this week.  Imagine 12 bags of trash in a garage in the heat.
     Imagine the flies.
    So I wasn't surprised when I saw the first bunch of maggots, in the bottom of the bar tenders' bottle bag.
     (Yes, I went through the two bar bags, pulling out recyclables and leaving the trash in the bottom.  Yes, a saw a meatball walking..........yuch......)
     And then I moved the other bags and the maggots just seemed to multiply.  Tens.  Hundreds.  Thousands.  A billion.  Ok, I exaggerate.
     A lot.
     They were in the cracks between the sections in the garage.  I got the hose and washed them out.
     Then I swept them into the driveway and washed them down with the hose.
     I noticed more in the garage, and washed out the crack again....and more came out.
     I swept them out and hosed out the garage.
     That's when they mounted a counter attack.
     Hundreds of maggots were inch walking their way back to the garage!  They were making a bee line for me.
     So I sprayed again, swept again, and lo and behold, they charged (ok, charging may be a bit strong) at me again.
     So I used the broom and  hose and then did a dance on them in the driveway, hopping up and down and scraping my toes across them.  My shoes became a killing machine.
    It was a nightmare.
    And I probably will have nightmares tonight....I HATE MAGGOTS!!
    And the cart, I am sure, will be full of it won't be coming back in the garage anytime soon.
     Then I went to throw out the rest of the mostaccioli,  I  texted Em first.
     Thanks to auto correct, I said "I am tossing the mists holly."
     She said "mists holly?"
     I replied, "sorry, spell check changed should be most holly."
     I followed that up with "the spaghetti like stuff."
     Damn spell check.

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