Tuesday, June 7, 2016

day two of pain

I spent another day  mostly in my chair

     I did something to my back Monday and it hurt like heck all day.  Today was not as bad, but it hurts.
     Emily brought me some over the counter drugs, and that seems to have helped.
     But I have not ridden  my bike for two days....and I am going crazy!!
     I have two big jobs to get done before we leave, but I don't think that is going to happen.  Well, actually three jobs, but Emily said she would mow for me tomorrow.
     This is frustrating to me, but not for the reason you may think.
     All of these aches and pains, all the problems with movement, all the issues with hearing and vision.....all are part of the aging process.
     When they affect me, I feel old.
     I know I don't act old, but the fact is, I am two years away from 70.
     I think my body is starting to tell me that.
     And unfortunately, I have to listen.
     I don't have to like it, and I don't have to give into it......but aging is a relentless foe.
     All you young people, realize that.  Live your lives while you are able to do the things you want to do.
     End of my mini non-rant.

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