Thursday, June 2, 2016


I almost finished cleaning the garage

     I have two thirds of it done...the hard two thirds.
     Of course, nothing comes easy.  I get emotional easily, so when I found a  box of my stuff in the pile, I wasn't prepared to see a coffee cup with my mother's name on it, or a beer stein from my brother's collection.
     It always hits me hard when I think of the people no longer in my life.You never get over that pain.
     I also discovered I had about 12 lids for plastic tubs, but no tubs.  John and Emily have tubs with no lids, so they lids went to their house.  About two hours after they left, I found three tubs....with no lids.
     Holy cow.
     You may be asking yourself, "His garage was so messy he didn't see empty plastic tubs?"
     And the answer would be yes, it was/is that messy.
     But it is getting better.  And hopefully, by the end of the day tomorrow, it will be done.
     Since it has taken me so long, I can't set up for the garage sales in the neighborhood this Friday and Saturday.  I really thought I had a chance, but along about 9 p.m. I realized it was hopeless.  I would have had to pull the stuff up, price it, arrange it, set up tables....and I was already tired.
     Of course, Jackie told me that at about 7 p.m. but I still had hopes.
     Maybe next year.

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