Tuesday, June 21, 2016

winding down

The busiest three weeks of my life are almost over

      Tomorrow we take Julia to the airport.  I hope the storms are out of the area by 7 p.m.  I am a nervous Nelly when it comes to flying in the first place.
     Of course, my post tomorrow will be short.  It always is when she leaves.
     It was great having her home for the wedding and the party.  It's one of the first times she has come home healthy.
     Of course, she didn't really have a lot of time to herself.  We got home late Monday, from Vegas and Tuesday and Wednesday were days of catching up on laundry, sleep, and doing a little work.  Telecommuting, or working from home......never possible when I was young.
     And Friday, Saturday,  and Sunday were filled with party duties....so her time was pretty limited.
     I really didn't spend as much time as I thought I would with her, but she is probably ok with that.
     Saturday is the MS Tour de Farms.  If you would still like to support  me, visit my page at http://main.nationalmssociety.org/site/TR?fr_id=27043&pg=personal&px=5618455  and make a donation.  The Jackies Jokers team has nearly raised $1,000.....which I think is pretty darn good.
     Sunday I am going to my first White Sox game in 10 years......seats are right behind the visitor's dugout because son in law John is a Toronto fan.
     Throw in a day at the zoo, and by next Monday I will be ready to climb on the mower and do the yard just for a chance to sit and rest.
     First priority...getting through tomorrow.
     It's always a long drive home from O'Hare.

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