Monday, June 13, 2016

oh much to say

I have a lot to say, but I am pretty tired tonight

     That is more than 10 words.  I apologize.
     Where to begin.
     The wedding was a pretty good adventure.  John and Emily had a ceremony at the Flamingo, and it was a nice event.  Beautiful day, some family and friends there.  Then lunch at Margaritaville.... nice time.
     The house we stayed in was pretty awesome.  Lots of bedrooms, a pool, more space than I would ever be able to use......quiet, clean, great neighborhood.
     Las Vegas is amazing.  I did not do half the stuff I hoped, but I do plan of]n going back.  Maybe not when it is 110, but when it is cooler.
     I realized I had not taken good care of my computer through the TSA line in Chicago.  It was in my black satchel, and I did not take it out.  The TSA people took it out, and put the computer in a second tray, which I did not see.
     So when I returned to Chicago, I checked with the Lost and Found and voila!  No computer.
     Feeling truly depressed, I made my way back to the car in the parking lot and opened the door and there, lying on the floor, was my computer.
     It never made it out of the car.
     Valuable lesson:  Zip it.
     That's all I got to say.
     I just spent 20 minutes downloading pictures from my phone.  Now I can't find the pictures.
     Technology puzzles me.
      On  a serious note, I woke up Sunday morning to the horrendous news out of Florida.  Like everyone, I was in disbelief.
     I don't understand how people can hate that much.
     It truly breaks my heart.

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