Sunday, June 19, 2016

what a day

I enjoyed the reception a lot

   That is John and Emily's reception, held in our back yard Saturday.
    I did not realize how big our yard was until the tent went up and we still had room.
    I think the best part was seeing family.  My nephew and his clan came from Pennsylvania,  one niece and her family came from Columbus, Ohio; another came from Spring Grove.....and Jackie's family came....her brother and three of his kids, their kids, Jackie's sister.  What a group!  The biggest surprise was jackie's cousins coming, one was visiting Illinois from Florida and the other lives in the suburbs, but we have not seen them in a long time.
    And friends.....old and new....and , well, you get the idea.
    The weather was perfect, the food great, the day just wonderful.
    But I do have a long does potato salad last?  We seem to have a lot.  And macaroni salad.  And three bean.
    Lots of leftovers for quite a while.

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