Monday, June 20, 2016

deja vu, all over again

I temporarily lost my debit card today

     I went to Walmart to buy freezer bags to package up the left over hamburger and brat buns.
     Emily and John have a food saver thingy, and John said it is easier to seal frozen buns.
     I have often had frozen buns, but I have never had them sealed.
     Anyway, I bought  three boxes of freezer bags and took out my debit card to pay.
     Ran it into the chip reader, bagged my stuff, took out the card, dropped the bag, left my sunglasses and keys on the counter, picked up everything and grabbed the receipt.
     I walked about 10 feet and realized I never put the card back in my wallet.  I went back to the register and it was not there.  Or on the floor.
     But it was in my mouth, where I put it after grabbing it because my hands were full.
     At least I remembered where the car was parked
     Now the buns are on ice, and I still have two boxes of freezer bags.  Guess I underestimated how many buns would fit in a bag.
     I seem to be doing a lot of dumb things lately...I think it's a sign of aging.
     We have two hanging plants on the porch.  A robin  built a nest in one of the plants.  I removed three nests, but did not realize she built a fourth.
     Friday I looked in the plant and found the nest....with three eggs.  Today there are four eggs.
     So now I have to choose....watering the plant and possibly endangering the eggs, or not watering the plant and letting it die so the robins may be hatched and survive.
     Plus, I can't sit in the rockers.
     Such is life.

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