Wednesday, June 8, 2016

things to do....things to do

I am almost ready to go

     This is the big weekend.  Should be a great time, with the family all together, a wedding, the family all together.  (Yes, I know I said it twice.)
     I admit it, I miss having my girls at home.  At least Emily is close, so I can bug her pretty often.
     She mowed my yard today.  My mower is in the shop and won't be done until Tuesday.  But even     if it was here, she probably would have mowed to spare my back, which is still a little sore.
      I did not get the garage cleaned completely or the mulch spread, but I did get the house clean.    
     Ever notice how differently women pack then men?
     She has a list and goes over it.
     I grab stuff I think I will need and throw it in the suitcase.
     She plans out her wardrobe.
     I grab some shirts and shorts and lots of underwear.
     She checks her list.
     I wander off.
     That's why sometimes I have to wash out stuff in the sink or go to a store and buy something I forgot.
     Like sunscreen.  I better grab that now while I remember.
     It's only 4 days, but we have never gone anywhere for only four days.  So we don't really know how to prepare for the trip.
     I probably won't sleep much tonight.....and will be pretty nervous tomorrow.
     I am already worried about missing the flight, getting a flat tire, having weather delay us, not reaching the airport on time.....mind is racing with possibilities.
     Right now, I just want to go.
     Maybe I'll try to clean the kitchen floor before I go to bed.......after I get the sun screen.

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