Sunday, June 26, 2016

going south, baby!

I went to a White Sox game today

     John is a Toronto Blue Jays fan, so he got some tickets for the Jays-Sox game.
     Row 1.  Section 119.  Right behind the tarp.
     I brought my Nellie Fox second baseman's glove, last worn by me in about 1967, to catch a foul ball or two.
     The only foul that came our way bounced almost on my seat.  Unfortunately, I was off buying cotton candy so the man across the aisle got the souvenier.  Some day I will catch one.
     One of the things I like to explore at ball parks is the food option.  Cellular One has plenty, and at a cheaper price than Wrigley.  Beer is cheaper too.  And it is the first park I have been to where a margarita man wanders the stands, offering his wares to a thirsty crowd.  He had what looked like a backpack you spray chemicals with....and no, I did not sample.
    The park was far from full, despite the best pitcher in the American League going for the Sox.  He pitched a great game.
     I don't understand sometimes.  Great park, great parking, good food, good team....and fans don't support it.
     Hopefully I will get to a couple more games this year.
     Here are some pictures to whet your appetite for baseball.

You would not have seen this 10 years ago!

I made a great play during tryouts!

Don't eat a juicy cuban sandwich with a light shirt on!  First inning, by the way.

Toronto fans........ of my favorite old Sox players

Here's what happens when you want to take a picture but you lose focus.

This boy was very interested in Pierce's form.

Our seats were right behind the tarp.....maybe behind Line

Pierogi?  Really??

You never knew I was a lefty, did you?

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