Monday, June 6, 2016


I think someone realized a truth today

   I keep saying I can't deal with paper.  After picking up stuff from 5 places, Someone looked at me and said, "You really have a problem with paper."
     I've had a problem with paper all my life.
     I can't decide what to do with it.  I have too much to save, too many notes written, too many papers printed on the computer........ too much paper to deal with.
     Today was a terrible day.
     I don't know what I did, but my back was very sore...still is.
     Ibuprofen, warm, cold, resting..... all of it seemed to help, but I am in pain again.
     I have too much to do over the next two days to be in pain.  Or incapacitated.
     Better be better tomorrow.

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