Monday, August 31, 2015

one job almost done

I started a project today

    Now most people won't consider it a project, but it is.
    I can't get grass to grow along my driveway or sidewalk.  All I have are weeds.
    It is unsightly.  I have tried before to get grass there, but I can't seem to do that.  I don't know why.
    So today I got on my hands and good knee and pulled weeds.  It took me nearly 5 hours to do it all.

    I spent a lot of time waving to people as they drove by.  I had this image of me as an old(er) guy sitting on his rocker on the porch, waving at everything that goes by. Happy and unencumbered by deep thoughts.....maybe not a bad way to live out your final years.
    Since I was on my hands and good knee, my backside was up in the air.
    I do want to thank those of you who honked, knowing I could not wave.
    And the person who left the "wide load" sign can pick it up tomorrow.
    As I was weeding, I got buzzed by a B 52 of the insect world.

    This bug, located in dead center, landed on my knee.  Then it buzzed my head and landed in the grass.  It was about 2 inches long and very loud.
    I had found a pile of sand and assumed it was an ant home.  But no ants were present, so I just mooshed the sand around and this guy showed up.
    If my info is right, this is a ground wasp called a cicada killer.  It normally does not sting people, but will if provoked.  I don't know if I provoked it or not, but it hung around for a while.

    You may not recognize this picture....but you may have seen it last night.  It is the moon that rose up early in the evening.  OK, my photo skills are not great and this time exposure should have been taken on a tripod.....but I think it looks neat.
    Tomorrow I plan to get up early and reseed the area around the driveway.  This will be the fourth time I have done it, and it never looks any better.
    Perhaps the fifth time will be the charm.
    One final picture.

    I did get my tripod out, and managed this.  But I can't take moon pictures for some reason.
    And I can't grow grass either.
    Wonder if there is a connection.

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