Saturday, August 29, 2015

I'm hit....or maybe not

I got a stain om my shirt today

    I was at the street market in Rochelle, chomping down on a Hicks' pulled pork BBQ sandwich and sitting at a picnic table.
    When I got up, someone pointed out I had a red spot on my side.
    I must have leaned against a berry and the red berry left a stain on my shirt.
    So I just walked around a little, not paying too much attention to it.
    Kevin, of Kevin and Jen fame, saw me and said, "Are you ok?  You are bleeding!."
    I said no, it was a berry stain.
    But I had a brilliant idea:  Test out the you are bleeding statement on other people.
    So I staggered up to Michelle and Jeff and blurted, "Help....they got me."
    Ok, it was not funny.  And no, you really could not see the red that well.
    However, the stain was there.
    Michelle suggested I use the lemon in the lemon shake up I was sipping to blot the spot and remove the stain.
    I did.
    It was very cold.  It was very wet.  It was sticky.
    Now I have a huge spot on my side and sticky hands.
    I though I could just hold my arm to the side, but then I worried people would think I had a stroke and couldn't use my arm.
    But all is well that ends well.  I bought some muffins and eventually went home and washed the shirt.
    It was a nice market, a good sandwich, and a fun outing.

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