Wednesday, August 12, 2015

hot time, summer in the city.....

I am not enjoying the weather

     It is hot and humid.  Very humid.  You can't see the mountain tops because there is a haze in the air.  And there is no wind to speak of.
      We have had more 90 degree days here than we had in Chicago during July.
      The difference is how hard it is to escape the heat.
     Take yesterday.  It was very nice, a cool breeze blowing and bam!  The temp went up noticeably in just a few minutes.
     It's hard to get things done in the heat.
     We finished moving Julia's stuff today....well, except for the garage, which we may do tomorrow.   There are a lot of games and outdoor stuff she plans to put into her new garage.
      By the time we were done, we were literally soaked.  Bright sun, no breeze, high temps, high humidity.....makes for a crappy day.
     We went out to Charly',s a bar/restaurant on the lake.  Jackie did not go because she wasn't feeling well and did not want to run the risk of having to climb to the second floor because the restaurant does not have bathrooms on the first floor.
     (Digression.  We went to a restaurant that had a handicapped the basement!  Getting Jackie down the stairs was not the problem, getting her up was.  I don't think many handicapped people used the bathroom because it was full of supplies.  Very strange in a country that is so regimented about everything.)
     The temp lakeside was 10 degrees cooler than up the hill.  It was refreshing.
     Air conditioning is not very common here.  Few people have it in their homes....and a couple of hotels in Vevey don't even have it.  Restaurants often don't, so people eat outside a lot.  Outdoor dining is more or less a necessity here.
     In fact, several of the people we talked to here were amused by our obsession with being in air conditioning.  They don't understand how we can live so cold.
     Anyway, ki's time for bed...but it is too hot to sleep.   Maybe I'll sit outside for a while.
     We are supposed to get rain and cooler temps....that is the bright news.  The bad news is I can't look for meteors tonight because it is too cloudy.
    Tomorrow I hope to tell you about my dump visit!!

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