Sunday, August 2, 2015

what can I say...

Packing boxes can be tiring

    Julia's move is coming along.  We have packed about 20 boxes.  She should have more coming tomorrow because we have run out!
     Some of the boxes are neat in that you don't have to use tape.  Me being a worry wart decided to tape them anyway rather than test the theory.
     Not only are boxes being packed, the cave is empty.
     The cave is a basement storage area.  For those who don't know, all Swiss buildings have bomb shelters in the basement.  These also double as storage areas.  Julia's cave is not in the bomb shelter, but next to it.
     Yes, the shelter has a thick steel door that locks from the inside and ventilation tubes leading out.  I think there are emergency supplies in there also.
     Unfortunately, there are also spiders.  Large, hairy spiders.  Julia is afraid of the buggers and hasn't been actually in the cave for a while.  So she enlisted two friends to help haul the boxes out to the garage.  That took about half an hour.  We did find some dead lizards and a couple of squashed mice in addition to a spider or two.
     I took an amble through the vineyards.  I love walking along and just looking at the lake.  Got caught up in a boules match and spent about 15 minutes watching the two teams attempt to land nearest the "little pig" and thus score points.  It's like lawn darts but with steel balls.  Surprisingly there is a lot of strategy.
     When I looked at the pictures tonight I realized a very weird thing....but you'll have to see for yourself.
     Tomorrow I get to go buy garbage bags!
     The government is pushing recycling.  One way to encourage that is to require residents to place garbage in official government garbage bags, priced at about $3 a bag.  We ran out today, so I get to go try my French on an actual government official at the post office.  Should be interesting.  I just hope I don't buy anything weird.  Or say anything to get me deported.  My French is so bad I might say, "Your mother has the face of a mule's behind." when I meant to say, "May I please buy garbage bags?"
     Anyway, here's a few shots from the last two days.

 Julia's current apartment is in the building in the upper right

 Well, self explanatory, isn't it?

 Cute little gate into a vineyard.

 I thought this was a swastika, but it is the shadow created by signs.  The pig is the little ball in the upper triangular like shape.
 Lining up for a crucial shot.

OK, I can imagine floating in the pool in this house.

 The cave contents and Stuart and Matt, brave cave explorers and conquerors!

 Boxes everywhere!

 We also made use of paper bags for the library collection.

The main room minus most of the decorations.

 My favorite place to shop!

My 3 franc apricot and raspberry cookies....worth it!
     So, that is it for today.
     Hope the weather is great, the news all good, and your wine tasty.

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