Wednesday, August 26, 2015

one last look

I am running out of things to write about

     Seriously.  I am going dry.
     So, just some pictures today.
     These are of Julia's new place, and her old place.
     This will be the last batch of Switzerland pictures, I think.  Julia was going to send me some she took, but I have not seen them yet.

Julia's new living room, from the dining room.

 The new not included.

 Put this picture and the next one together, you get the view from her terrace.

 Packing up at the old place.

 The old place almost cleared out.

     The new place, but nothing is in the right spot.  This was during moving day.

The dining room.....note the large window opens two ways.  You can also open it from the top.


The second guest room......en suite bathroom is right behind where I am taking the picture

     This is the larger guest bedroom, but there is no bathroom door.....yet.

     The view from the second bedroom.....imagine being in bed and looking out and seeing this.  Not the car or the dead plants, but the lake and mountains.

    The outdoor dining area has a large mirror.  If you are eating and not facing the lake, you can see it in the mirror.

     Looking up the valley on a stormy day.

    Well, that is it.
    Good night and peace to all.

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