Monday, August 3, 2015

the legend lives on

I might be  becoming a legend in Chardonne

     Remember all those old westerns, when the new guy comes to town and everybody stops and stares at him as he walks down the street?
     I may have become that man.
     Maybe the locals call me, "The American who can't speak French but doesn't know it."  Or maybe, "the guy who really tries but comes up short....a lot."  Or maybe just, "Weirdo."
     I went to the postal office to buy the official garbage bags.  10 bags, 20 franc.  Bags will last a long time if you compost and recycle, but when cleaning out a house, they tend to fill quickly.
     I waited my turn then said to the lady, "Good day madame.  I don't speak French very well and I understand just a little.  I would like to buy some garbage bags."
Now in French, that is a mouthful.  My pronunciation is based on high school French class and the six CD set on how to speak French in six weeks.
     The lady just stared at me.  I don't know if she was over awed by my powers, or thinking she was confronted by a babbling lunatic.
     Our eyes locked.  It became a battle of wills.  Finally, she said something in French which was way beyond my ability to understand, but I decided to take a stab.
     "The little ones or the big ones?"  she may have asked.
     "The little ones, the 35 litre one," I wanted to say, but I could not get 35 straight in my mind.
     Finally the lady behind me, who had been waiting for a good 5 minutes while this played out, asked. in English, "Do you want the 35 litre bags?"  When I replied yes, she relayed that to the post person and I got my bags.
     I was under orders to get a loaf of bread and some cheese for supper, so I crossed the street to the alimentary, which I think is the word for 7-11 run by Swiss people.
     I walked in and noticed that the lady ahead of me in the post office was now in the store.  She looked at me, said something to the lady behind the counter, who looked at me and then they both chuckled.
     I don't know if it was my boyish good looks, the garbage bags I was carrying, the confused look on my face, or my new grocery bag, purchased just today during my trip down to Vevey....but they both seemed to,have a good time at my expense.  I did check my zipper, by the way, because frequently that is a source of levity for people when I am out in public.
     So, recapping my day:  Got  my watch back, which was pronounced fine.  Bought a new set of grocery bags.  Coffee at Starbucks.  Bubble wrap at Jumbo.  Paced boxes.  Sorted socks.  It was too hot to walk, so I put that off today.  To be fair, I do walk about one half mile to get into Vevey center from the funicular, but I don't count that as a walk.
     No pictures today.  I have had a couple of glasses of wine and am suddenly very tired.
     Tomorrow I go to the new house and unload boxes while Jackie waits at the old house for more boxes to be delivered.  And pack.
     Tomorrow is also market day, my favorite time.....lots of good food, photo ops, and opportunities to try my French.
     Bonne nuit!

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