Sunday, August 16, 2015

Casey Jones, what an engineer

I rode a steam train today

     There is a train museum near Vevey.  I had talked about going up there and riding the steam train.  The train only runs on Sundays, so I decided today was the day.
     Craig and Yvonne, friends of ours and Julia's, and their two lovely girls Penny Jane and Lilly, joined me.  The group grew as Elizabeth and her two youngsters, Eleanor and William, also made the trip.
     It was a dreary, cool and damp day, but we had a great outing.
     The steam train climbs from a town called Blonay to Chamby, then it backs into the train museum.  It is only about a 20 minute ride, but the steam and whistle and old rail cars was a trip back into time.
     At the museum, we got to wander around vintage cars and look at vintage engines.  It was interesting to see the progress railroads have made here in the last 100 + years.
      And I did something that may have been illegal.  I took some coins and laid them on the track.  When the train came back into the station, the coins got flattened.  I gave each of the kids one of the flattened coins and they were pretty impressed.
     Then I got to wonder.  Is it a crime to deface currency?  Is it a crime to put objects on the rails?  Was I going to get arrested and deported?  If I get deported, do I get a refund on my plane ticket?
     Fortunately, none of that happened and all's well that ends well
     Julia had people over yesterday, kind of a housewarming.  It was amazing to see almost everyone we ever met here at one time.
     In the olden days, these parties would go on all night.  But with so many families with children, it  broke up fairly early.
     There are several empty wine bottles......maybe 15 or so....including one rose I drank from last night.
     I thought it was a pretty rough rose.  When Craig sampled it today upon our return from the train trip, he pronounced it terrible and we dumped what was left.
     Now, to show my expert wine taste....I had two glasses of it last night, even though it wasn't very good.
    So I don't know if I am cheap, or just a poor judge of wine....or both.
     Anyway, a couple of pictures from today.
     These really don't do the day justice  because it was a blast.  But I thought I could use Julia's cord to download pictures, and I can't.  Plus, the video I want to post has about 20 seconds of my left shoe.
Such is life.

 The train is almost ready to leave

Part of our traveling show!

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